
Our policy and information concerning protection of information

We wish to be compliant to the Protection of Personal Information Act and Promotion of Access to Information Act. Below you can view our PAIA manual.

What we will do:

From the Department of Justice website:

The purpose of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (often referred to as “PAIA”) is to give effect to section 32 of the Constitution. Section 32 provides for “the right of access to information” and states that “everyone has the right of access to any information held by the State and to information held by another person that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.”

The motivation for giving effect to the right of access to information is to foster a culture of transparency and accountability both in Public and Private Bodies; and to promote a society in which the people of South Africa have effective access to information, to enable them to more fully exercise and protect all their rights.

Examples of “Public Bodies” include National and Provincial Government Departments, Municipalities and Parastatals (e.g. Eskom, Telkom).

Examples of “Private Bodies” include a natural person or partnership that carries on trade, business or profession; and a former or existing juristic person.

What information can I request and have access to from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development or any public body for that matter?

Any information or records, including personal information or records, held by the Department or its officials. It does not matter when that information or record came into existence.

Personal records held by the Department.

To have a sense of the kind of information you may request, please look at the Information Manual from the Deputy Information Officer of the Department.